Derrick & Robyn Marsters

Managing Directors

0274 954 257
Derrick and Robyn Marsters have been full time property investors since 2002. Together they managed to establish a rental portfolio which contained in excess of 70 properties. They have also worked as property traders, buying and selling for profit. In one six week period they purchased 19 properties. They are extremely passionate and believe property investment to be a great long term retirement plan. Derrick and Robyn have great experience in maximizing rental returns, through their own personal experience they are in a position to offer suggestions to their clients. Sometimes spending a small amount of money can change the rental yield considerably, they believe there is a fine line between spending money wisely or potentially wasting it. QRM are proudly gold sponsors of the Waikato Property Investors Association and attend the monthly meetings where they speak, share and provide advice to other property investors. They also provide independent rental appraisals totally free of charge. Derrick and Robyn bring unique skills to their company such as management, property renovation, accounting, public relations and sales experience. With this experience they have managed to implement systems that are easy to follow, with a policy and procedure for all repetitious aspects of property management. Their passion and belief in what they do drives their success. Working together in all aspects of the property management business QRM has already far exceeded their expectations. Derrick and Robyn make your property their priority and this is the philosophy their team follow. They both believe in property investment as a long term wealth creation strategy and are passionate about managing and protecting the investment properties of their clients.

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